Google Search Ads:
Close to home and easy to find…
In 2020 our friends at BrightSpot Creative reached out for help revamping the Google Ads strategy for several freestanding emergency rooms they work with.
When an emergency strikes, traveling a long distance or waiting in a crowded waiting room can cause unnecessary stress. That's why Texas Emergency Care Center needed to be sure that nearby patients could find them quickly whenever they needed emergency care services.
The solution? Targeted location-specific Google Search Ads to get the right location front of the right people at the right time.
Texas Emergency Care Center
Google Search Ads
19.20% conversion rate
(compared to the Health and Medical industry average of 3.36%)
$1.65 cost per click (CPC)
(compared to the Health and Medical industry average of $2.62)
6.94% click through rate (CTR) (compared to tthe Health and Medical industry average of 3.37%)